The country's first offshore licencing round was held in 1990, with contracts taken up by international companies, including Deminex, Chevron, Occidental, Hamikon and AGIP. This was followed by the first onshore round in 1992 which offered access to seven ... Although not recommended as a destination to spend an annual vacation, Albania has all the key elements to ensure a good return on investments through oil and gas companies active in the area. The key factors are: ...
Sebagai sebuah kelompok pengguna Napza yang belum tahu tentang HAM, IKON Bali belajar tentang HAM terlebih dahulu. Dari belajar bersama ini kemudian muncul program aksi seperti demonstrasi ke instansi hukum serta berjejaring dengan lembaga .... Implementasinya, baru-baru ini BNN telah mensponsori pertemuan dengan para Kepala Badan Penegak Hukum Anti Narkoba se Asia dan Pasifik (Heads of National Drugs Law Enforcement Agencies Asia And The Pasific/Honlap) di Hotel Kartika ...